The complex formed subsequently penetrates into the nucleus of the hair follicle cell and, interacting with DNA, causes the activation of genes and the production of proteins responsible for the gradual transformation of normal hair follicles into involutional “miniature follicles”. Due to the increase in HSD3B2 and HSD17B3 and the lack of aromatase, testosterone is the main product of the testes. HSD17B3 function is important for the generation of testicular testosterone from androstenedione, and it is the only HSD17B isoform in humans with an established deficiency syndrome.
The study included 46 male patients with androgenic alopecia aged 25 to 41 years. The control group consisted of 15 people, representative by age and sex. According to the Norurd-Hamilton classification, grade III - in 32.6% and was expressed in pronounced bald patches in the forehead; III-IV degree - in 41.8%, in which there was hair loss not only in the forehead, but also in the parietal region; IV-V degrees - in 25.6% of men and there was a fusion of foci of hair loss in the parietal and frontal regions of the scalp. All patients underwent. Trichodermatoscopy of the scalp in male patients with androgenic alopecia showed a sharp significant decrease in the number of hairs in the parietal region compared to the occipital, and this decrease was more pronounced with an increase in the degree of damage. So, in patients with grade III androgenic alopecia, hair density in the parietal region was 183.7 ± 4.7 (p <0.001), grade III-IV -115.4 ± 12 (p <0.001), grade IV-V - 82.5 ± 11.3 (p <0.001), while in the control group this indicator was 246.9 ± 6.8. It should be noted that the hair density in the occipital region in patients with grade III androgenic alopecia decreased slightly -219.6 ± 1.9, and in patients III-IV and IV-V degrees, there was a significant decrease in hair density - 185.1 ± 8, 9 (p <0.001) and 118.6 ± 10.5 (p <0.001), respectively, with the control group the same indicator was 223.8 ± 2.7.