Research demonstrates that Covid-19 has been a problem for academic institutions throughout the globe. In China, where there are more than 1,300 vocational colleges and over 11,000 vocational high schools, offline teaching and learning activities have been discontinued and transformed to an online way. To help inform the further development of online vocational education in China and elsewhere, a research was conducted to trace the astonishing change. Based on previous studies of vocational students' technological literacy, it was determined that vocational schools adapted to the epidemic by increasing their emphasis on online education. Moreover, problems and challenges with online learning in practise training and internships, organisational, and technical contexts have been encountered by vocational institutions. A system-driven reform strategy and an online learning approach should be considered and implemented to keep up with the changing needs of vocational education in the digital age. As a result of the current Covid-19 pandemic, the event industry and tertiary education providers in the event management field are revaluating the goals, objectives, and structure of future events. The upcoming emergence of hybrid, virtual, and otherwise novel events call for a rethinking of the structure and content of the relevant courses and programmes. secondary data has been used as methodology and results have been created that there is influence of Covid-19 on the Vocational colleges and there is improvement in the education through technology.
Keywords: Construction, Digital Ability, Vocational College, Ccovid-19, Learning Management, Learning styles, Open Educational Resources (OERs).