Decision on Maintenance Strategy of Pavement Condition for Existing Roads in Pimpri Region
Pavement condition assessment is one of the important components of pavement management system .The level of repair and rehabilitation carried on the roads depends on the physical condition of the road at a particular time. Pavement condition index (PCI) is a numerical indicator that rates the surface condition of a pavement or road. The PCI is based on the results of the visual condition survey in which distress type, severity, and quantity are identified. The distresses are measured and compiled. Based on the distress values pavement condition rating has been done by using pavement condition index. The pavement rating and condition assessment method is described in Indian Road Congress (IRC) 82-2015. In this research work condition assessment of road pavements in Pimpri , Pune region has been carried out by adopting PCI and IRC 82 methods. The maintenance strategy is also discussed in detail. It has been observed that both the methods can be used meritoriously for the road condition assessment.