Green products have been used for over 50 years, but they have evolved over the last 7-5 years worldwide, including India. The term "green" does not imply that the products will be green. Green marketing denotes the use of natural formulations, ingredients, and packaging in the production of goods and services. There will be no use of synthetic or chemical products. In green products, the ingredients they use will be natural bacteria, oils from plants, sustainable products, renewable ingredients, biodegradable, recyclable, eco-friendly, etc. There is a large growth of technology, telecommunications, and social media, and all the consumers are becoming more aware of the ingredients that are used in the formulation and production of any product they use in their day-to-day lives, as well as the damage that is caused by those chemical products to the environment and to their own lives. As there is a high demand for green products by consumers, many new companies have started to enter the market, and many existing companies have started to switch to green product production. The existing pollution and the potential degradation of the planet's natural resources, together with the rising interest in selecting foods that are both nutritious and more eco conscious, gives rise to a new method of consuming that is referred to as "green consumption. "As a result, businesses have realised the potential of this market, which has resulted in the launch of a number of different brands that are associated with the sale of items of this sort.
Keywords - consumer perception, green products, environmentally friendly products, Eco – friendly products, Concern, Consciousness