
  • Dr. Deepti Parashar, Vd. Vinayak Nilkanth Joshi, Dr. Jyoti Author


Introduction-The disease known as Vatarakta is brought on by the vitiation of both Vata and Rakta. Vatarakta, also known as Vatashonita, was described by AcharyaSushruta under Vatavyadhi. Aggravated Vata is blocked by vitiated Rakta, which leads to further aggravation of Vata Dosha. Vatarakta is the result of exacerbated Vata vitiating complete Rakta, which has complex repercussions (Ruja spreads as Aakhu-visha). So, Vatarakta is a disease which is manifested due to derangement of Vata and Rakta. Now a time in our culture, the prevalence of lifestyle problems is rapidly increasing. The overindulgence in unhealthy foods, alcohol, and soft drinks sweetened with fructose, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, has led to a rise in the prevalence of visceral obesity, metabolic syndrome, and gout across all social strata, including the upper and middle classes. Gout is among the most prevalent lifestyle diseases.The etiological factors responsible for Gouty arthritis, pathology and clinical features are quite similar toVatarakta.


Material & Method-The Brihattrayi and its commentaries, the Laghutrayi, as well as other Ayurvedic and contemporary texts, provided information on Vatarakta (Gout).

Result-Vatarakta may be correlated to gouty arthritis. It is a disorder of defective purine metabolism, which is characterized by hyperuricemia and deposition of monosodium urate crystals (MSU) in joints due to its affinity for elastic tissue. It is a chronic metabolic disorder of the musculoskeletal system. Severe pain, tenderness, inflammation and burning sensation in affected joints are the clinical features of it. It has been called "The disease of Kings" due to its association with people having sedentary lifestyles.


Conclusion-Due to severe morbidity, chronicity, and incurability with associated complications, management of Vatarakta always remain a challenge for the Ayurveda physician as there is no exact treatment in the Allopathic system also. So, it is very much necessary to know the concept of Vatarakta before its management.

Key words-Vatarakta,Gout, Hyperuricemia, Tridosha







How to Cite

“ETIOPATHOGENESIS OF VATARAKTA W.S.R TO GOUT IN AYURVEDA-A CRITICAL REVIEW”. (2024). Journal of Research Administration, 6(1). https://journlra.org/index.php/jra/article/view/1619