Factor of Real Estate Investment Funds performance measurement during Health Crisis (Covid19)


  • Nursyareena Azlie, Shahabudin Abdullah Author


Real Estate Investment (REITs) structural are define as lower risk investment rather than other stock markets. REITs are capital institutions that invest in several types of property which include commercial, residential, industrial, office, hospitality, retail and institution. These types of property react differently towards different crisis. Like any other investment, REITs also has factor that effect the portfolio directly or indirectly due to the crises in this world. Recent crisis of Covid19 has awaken in REITs industry with the impacted of the portfolio of REITs companies. The purpose of this paper is to understand the Real Estate Investment Funds (REITs) around the world during pandemic and indicates the factor that causes the performance of Real Estate Investment Funds (REITs) in respective companies. Data in this paper are collected by overlook on the portfolio of Real Estate Investment Funds (REITs) companies in understanding their market capital throughout the health crisis. This paper only examines the market capital during health crisis in year 2019 until 2022. The aim of the findings is to assist REITs managers to be aware of the factor that may causes the productivity of their portfolio during health crisis. The investor also can use the reference in their decision making before investing for Real Estate Investment Funds (REITs) in future.







How to Cite

Factor of Real Estate Investment Funds performance measurement during Health Crisis (Covid19). (2023). Journal of Research Administration, 6(1), 13914-13921. https://journlra.org/index.php/jra/article/view/1995