Belongingness is the most human sentiment and an imperative part of all the human existence. In society the concept of belongingness can be understood in the context of relationships and other worldly possessions. The concept of property and possession also evolves with the sense of belongingness the core element of social existence of the humans. The idea of property possession and belongingness are not new, for these concepts have always been existing in the society since the time the human beings started gathering and living together and gradually initiated the concept of civilization. It was in the early stages of the process of civilization that human beings started to realize and the value the idea of possessing the valuables in their name and having control over them. The idea of possession was so overwhelming that it gradually encompassed the meaning of power in it as the derivative of the philosophy of ascertain claim over things and people too. In most common parlance property means as proprietary ship over the objects and it also describes all those things and ownership upon which can be created by the human beings and in broadest possible sense it included living as well as non-living things in it. Property has been given various meanings in different regions of the world but one concept which is universally associated with the idea of property is that it What belongs to a person and what he desires his descendants to inherit and carry forward as his legacy. Property broadly includes the rights of the persons also and the proprietary interpretation of the same might restrict its meaning to those rights of a person which he holds upon the property and not his other legal rights. These rights on property inculcate a sense of status in a person and that gives another interpretation and meaning to the property including all those kinds of rights into the definition which are both proprietary and real[1]. The law of property is a very specific field of law that deals with the concept of property in rem that is it is a right of an individual against all, my house is my property creating a periphery which is not open to access by rest of the world creating an understanding in rem. It is also the origin of the concept of private property in India.