In the context of the 21st-century educational system, Emotional Intelligence (EI) has emerged as an essential component of personal and professional growth. It is essential to achieve the predetermined goals of humanity and educational achievements. In this study, the significance of emotional intelligence as a fundamental factor contributing to children's future success is being explored. Therefore, providing emotional intelligence training to teachers becomes essential to enable them to effectively manage their emotions and help their students develop emotional intelligence. The focus of this research is to measure emotional intelligence concerning various variables and examine the levels of emotional intelligence among B.Ed. teacher trainees. This study analyses the emotional intelligence levels of B.Ed. teacher trainees to their academic performance by considering various demographic factors. To achieve this, a Descriptive survey approach was employed, gathering B.Ed. teacher trainees from diverse institutions in Tamil Nadu. The primary objective of this research is to evaluate the creative skills of B.Ed. teacher trainees and gain insights into their levels of emotional intelligence. The current research illustrates the influence of emotional intelligence on academic achievements and performance of B.Ed. trainees. Although Emotional Intelligence (EI) is widely recognized as a crucial factor for success, institutions must prioritize and incorporate EI instruction more comprehensively. To address this, a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design was implemented. The relevant statistical methods, including mean, standard deviation, and t-test were used. The planned research was examined using SPSS software, and the results showed a substantial difference between male and female teacher trainees and a favourable relationship between their emotional intelligence scores and boys and girls. The study also found a strong association between creative skills and teacher trainees from coeducation universities. Cronbach's alpha was obtained at 0.787, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) findings were less than 0.50 at 0.496, although Wilks' Lambda testing yielded values of 0.053 and 0.775, respectively. Consequently, emotional intelligence level and creative skills can contribute to the improvement of students' academic performance.
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, B. ED. Teacher Trainees, Descriptive Survey, Creative Skill, Academic Performance, Statistical Techniques