Purpose/aim: - The aim of the descriptive research study is to study the opinion of respondents with respect to occupational stress among doctors in government hospitals of Andhra Pradesh. There are various factors which impact on occupational stress among doctors of government hospitals like: workload, communication, necessary resources, responsibility towards patients, value and recognition, access to resources, peer support, administrative support, organizational policies etc are the major influencing factors of causing stress among doctors in government hospitals. Outcome: - The outcome of the research witnessed that irrespective of educational qualifications witnessed that, the above said factors are majorly influencing a lot causing stress among the government doctors in the Andhra Pradesh. Research Design/Methodology/Approach: - Applied descriptive research design, by developing closed ended questionnaire through google survey with a sufficient sample size through simple random sampling from Andhra Pradesh. Statistical Techniques: - Applied probability sampling to collect data from various respondents scattered in various government hospitals. Statistical Tools: - Applied both descriptive and inferential statistics to collect data from various respondents. The descriptive statistics include: Mean, SD, ANOVA and other fundamental statistics applied to analyse the data. Generalizability: - The outcome of the research can be generalized under any phenomenon where need arises to assess the stress among the government hospital doctors in Andhra Pradesh. Sociability: - The outcome of the research and associated factors will facilitate to study the factors causing stress among the government hospital doctors in Andhra Pradesh. Type of the Research: - It is a descriptive research study used fundamental statistics to analyse the data in all aspects.
Key words: - Stress Factors, Stress among government hospital doctors, hospital staff, doctors, stress