The objective of the study was to construct an inventory to assess the Entrepreneurship Skills of polyglot higher secondary school students. 802 polyglot higher secondary school students from the Krishnagiri district in Tamil Nadu were taken for the survey. The investigator first prepared 64 items based on seven dimensions. Experts evaluated those items and decreased the number to 52. After face validation, the inventory was administered to responders. The difficulty index value and discriminative power formulas were employed to evaluate the quality of each item. In the item analysis, eighteen (18) inappropriate items were eliminated, leaving 34 items for the final tool. The reliability values of this inventory were found as 0.78 (KR-20 method) and 0.86 (Test-Retest method). The final form of the inventory was found to have content validity, according to the experts. The statistical analysis indicates that this entrepreneurship Skills inventory is reasonably fairly valid and reliable for assessing entrepreneurship Skills.
Key words: Entrepreneurship, Leadership Decision-Making, Self-Starter, Problem Solving.