First: the introduction to the research problem
The issue of women and their role in society has gained increasing attention in the last quarter of the twentieth century. This increased interest in development in terms of its elements, dimensions and participants in it has coincided. the perception of the role of women in society has evolved with the development of the concept of development, and it is not limited to the economic dimension to include social, political and cultural dimensions related to meeting the practical and strategic human needs of both men and women, and the social welfare of citizens (1).
In this regard, Egyptian society, as one of the Developing Societies, is interested in the development of human resources and the creation of conscious energies that contribute to its development and progress. Women are one of these resources that play an important role in the development process. it can be said that their participation in the development process is one of the important goals pursued by society. this interest is due to the demographic weight of women, which amounted to 48.5% of the total population of Egypt (2).
Planners also emphasize the need to take women into account as a goal in the process of economic and social planning to achieve development, as they are a segment of society, so the issue of women should be considered in both directions, the direction of women's efforts with the role they play for development, and the direction of the state's efforts represented in the actions of the development plan for women (3).
The problem of sexual harassment is one of the most important problems facing women and hinders them from effective participation in society and its development, as harassment is a violation of women's body and freedom. The issue of sexual harassment in Egypt has recently received the attention of many media, academic, and community circles at all social, economic, and political levels, until it became part of the daily life discourse among citizens, media professionals, and officials in Egyptian society.in the past, women were afraid to speak out and declare that they were subjected to any form of harassment, as they considered it as a (disadvantage). But with the aggravation of the problem, its increase and the multiplicity of its forms, they found that they had no way but to talk about this problem and try to find solutions to it, as it has become a real problem suffered by women in Egyptian society in general and on a daily basis, whether in public places such as markets, public transport, streets or private places such as educational institutions, workplaces, sports clubs and universities in Egypt, which need the efforts of multiple professions and different research in Egyptian society to confront this phenomenon (4).