In the present context, digitalization emerged as a key factor for determining the organizational success. Because most of the employees are now work from home to finish their work roles in scheduled and flexible time. Simultaneously, this remote sensing work environment reduces job stress of employees in higher level and increases their work efficiency in a better way. In advancement, more technology appears predominantly and thus it transforming the organization as a lot in organizational business process and procedures. So the present study will analyze the concept of digital transformation based on the three under constructs (customer efficiency, operational efficiency and business modeling) as well as how it individually fueling employee engagement. IBM SPSS statistics was used for analyzing the study data. Descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression was further performed to analyze the study data. Multiple linear regression results revealed that customer efficiency and operational efficiency have a significant & positive impact on employee engagement. But there is an insignificant and negative impact relationship between business modeling and employee engagement. Furthermore implications were suggested in this study.
Keywords: Digital transformation; employee engagement; Organizational growth; Digitalization; Organizational Success