Work-Related Stress in the Banking Sector of Rajasthan


  • Sonam Sachdeva, Dr.Kapil Khatter Author


Work-related stress is a pervasive factor that exists not only in every individual but in every
organization regardless of its size - especially bankers, who are under a lot of work pressure due to
the nature of their work. Stress in the workplace has been found to reduce employee performance
and productivity. Furthermore, stress is a major cause of several health-related problems like
anxiety, depression, and migraines. This study aims to find out the factors that impact the worklife stress level of the banking sector employees in Jaipur. There is work pressure during the
uncertain times of the corona-virus pandemic. The questionnaire was prepared to collect the data
from various banks in Jaipur. The sample size is 100 employees. The study finds that the major
stress-inducing factors at banks include: Role ambiguity, underutilization of skills, and work
overload. Work overload was found to have a major impact on employee performance, especially
in the age of covid-19.
Key words: Work Stress, work life balance, bank employees







How to Cite

Work-Related Stress in the Banking Sector of Rajasthan. (2023). Journal of Research Administration, 5(1), 422-434.